Surveys by Facebook owner Meta during the pandemic reveal differences between men and women across Asia-Pacific in the number of hours spent each day on unpaid domestic and care work.
allData =FileAttachment("/data/geah2021-hrs-domestic-care.csv").csv({ typed:true });allCountries =Array.from(newSet( => d.geography)));// fix up 0 values not getting stringified, and// assign facets for manual wrappingtimeUse = allData.filter(d => d.gender!="Combined").map(d => ({ ...d,response_category: d.response_category.toString() +" hrs",fx: allCountries.indexOf(d.geography) %2,fy:Math.floor(allCountries.indexOf(d.geography) /2) }));// define for stacking ordertimeUseLevels = ["0 hrs","<1 hrs","1-2 hrs","2-3 hrs","3-4 hrs","4-5 hrs","5-7 hrs","7-9 hrs","9-11 hrs",">11 hrs"];// need country names and facet indices de-duplicated too for labels// (pinched from to avoid using aq)countryLabels = timeUse.filter((value, index, self) => index === self.findIndex(t => (t.geography=== value.geography)));
viewof facetChoice = ["On gender","On country"], {value:"On gender" });// channels used in plot depend on selectionchannels = ({"On gender": { y:"geography",fx:"gender",fy:null },"On country": { y:"gender",fx:"fx",fy:"fy" }})
Plot =import("[email protected]")Plot.plot({marks: [ Plot.barX(timeUse, {y: channels[facetChoice].y,x:"value",fx: channels[facetChoice].fx,fy: channels[facetChoice].fy,fill:"response_category",order: timeUseLevels,ariaLabel: d =>"Rectangle: "+ d.value+"% of "+ d.gender.toLowerCase() +" respondents in "+ d.geography+" reported "+ d.response_category+" per day." }),// label country facets manually facetChoice =="On country"? Plot.text(countryLabels, {ariaHidden:true,fx:"fx",fy:"fy",frameAnchor:"top-left",dy:-16,text:"geography",fontWeight:"bold" }) :null,// add facet axis marks for country comparison to remove default facet label facetChoice =="On country"? Plot.axisFx({color:"transparent" }) :null, facetChoice =="On country"? Plot.axisFy({color:"transparent" }) :null,// draw grid on top Plot.gridX({ariaHidden:true,interval:20,stroke:"white",strokeOpacity:0.75,strokeDasharray:"2" }), Plot.tip(timeUse, Plot.pointer(Plot.stackX({ariaHidden:true,y: channels[facetChoice].y,x:"value",fx: channels[facetChoice].fx,fy: channels[facetChoice].fy,fill:"response_category",fillOpacity:0.9,strokeOpacity:0,order: timeUseLevels,channels: {"Response": {label:"Response",value: d => d.response_category+" hours per day" },"Share": {label:"Share",value: d => d.value+"% of respondents" } },format: {fx:false,fy:false,x:false,y:false,fill:false }, }))) ],color: {legend:true,swatchHeight:25,swatchWidth:25,style: {fontFamily:"Roboto Condensed",fontSize:"90%", },columns:5,type:"ordinal",scheme:"BuRd",domain: timeUseLevels },x: {label:null,ticks:6,tickFormat: d => d +"%" },y: {label:null },fx: {label:null,padding:0.2 },fy: {label:null,padding:0.3 },style: {fontSize:16,fontFamily:"Roboto Condensed",// fontWeight: "bold" },marginLeft:110,height:600,ariaLabel:"Stacked bar chart",ariaDescription:"Stacked bar chart showing the percentage of men and women in different Asia-Pacific countries reporting various amounts of unpaid domestic or care work. The chart is currently grouped "+ facetChoice.toLowerCase() +".",});
The survey asked respondents how many hours they spent per day on unpaid domestic and care work. The published data then groups the responses into amounts of work (no work, less than 1 hour/day, 1-2 hours/day, etc.).
The visual shows the proportion of men and women in each country who responded in a given group. More blue means more respondents spent a small amount of time (or none); more red means more respondents spent a lot of time.
Meta did not disclose the number of people surveyed in each country.